Building Trust


Hey Soul Family. I hope you’re well. This week’s Topic will be about trust. I feel that trust is a big issue over the collective because when it is difficult for us to trust it is difficult for us to open our hearts. How can we truly embrace love without building trust and I know that trust does not come overnight so we are going to talk about how to build trust overtime with consistency. 

Trust involves connecting to a inner confidence and wisdom; when we trust this is coming from paying attention to our thoughts and feelings, so trust is directly tied into our intuition. When we think of trust we usually think about our families, friends, and romantic partners but trust is very vital in our relationship with ourselves

When you build a trusting relationship with yourself, you essentially build your confidence and you are able to guide yourself throughout life knowing that the choices you make are for the better. To build a trusting relationship or self trust you have to pay attention to your self and begin to care for yourself in a steady and devoted way. This is creating a routine and setting goals for yourself and trusting yourself to see those goals through, this is not giving up on yourself because you trust that what you are doing will benefit you in the long run. When you continuously show up for yourself you develop confidence that you can depend on yourself and be there for yourself no matter what happens in life. Often times our minds can cause illusion when it comes to self trust and this causes us to have a difficult time taking care of ourselves the way we need to. So then we begin to look to other people for our needs and rely on other people to fill gaps in our own lives. We can constantly go through life searching and questioning “why can’t I find love?”; “why can’t I be happy?”; “why do I feel alone; “why do I feel empty?”; but the answer truly is we need to learn to trust ourselves. We must start by adding small, reliable, and realistic acts of  self-care into our daily lives. The small acts  and practices will overtime develop into a deep understanding of trust in our own inner knowing. 

Mindfulness is a very important word and just by practicing mindfulness can help you change your life in the way you think. Mindfulness is the act or state of being conscious of your thoughts. Mindfulness brings awareness and; awareness brings change.  When you are aware that you lack a trusting relationship with yourself and the world around you can guide yourself much better and correct yourself when you notice this. The key is to become aware that you need trust in order to feel balanced and connected to yourself and the world around you. When you experience feelings associated with depression; that is your mind depriving you of joy and undermining your confidence but you can override this by being aware of what your body wants and needs. Consistently correcting yourself even when it’s difficult. Remember a little effort goes along way. 

There can be days where things are going fine in your life and you feel that you’re headed in the right direction and suddenly a wave of shame and self judgment can come into your life. This could throw off your entire day you suddenly don’t feel like doing the things you’ve planned to do for the day but instead you want to allow yourself to be overwhelmed with feelings and self doubt about past decisions.this cycle of thinking can leave you with a sense of uncertainty about if you are capable of taking care of yourself and the responsibilities attached to you and this could bring up a fear of “will anything happen to me that’s good or will I ruin ruin it?” Thank you like this makes you feel that you are unworthy of receiving your hearts desires and this could keep you stuck and stagnant in a repetitive cycle. 

When those thoughts come up instead of giving them the power and allowing them to take over your energy you have to be mindful of what you are thinking. And begin to replace those thoughts with healthy choices, it could be writing in your journal, it could be going for a walk to clear your mind, you could be speaking affirmations to yourself, but you have to do whatever you need to do to place yourself back in a comfortable energy where you can be confident to be who you are.The more you continue to do this the easier things will get, you could feel like the tasks you are doing are not making a change because they are simple and you feel you should be doing something hard but you have to know that life is not intended to be hard. Embrace these simple change will help you gain more trust within yourself because it reminds you that you are very capable of pushing forward in life. 

Simple meditations will help you connect with yourself and obtain a higher state of awareness. The link below to check out my guided meditation.


Micro actions are small actions that you can do throughout the day to help keep you grounded and in the present moment. I created small micro actions that can help uplift you when you are feeling down and not trusting in yourself these micro actions are designed to help you cultivate and sustain habits to build trust and confidence.

You can practice all of these exercises on this list or choose one of your own. 


At rising for 7 days speak THREE POSITIVE WORDS OVER YOUR DAY

At rising for 7 days make yourself a cup of tea and sit with yourself 

At rising for 7 days writing in a journal about what ever is on your mind, do this before picking up your phone 

At rising for 7 days wake up and stretch before doing any task

At rising for 7 days take spiritual bath, setting an intention of self trust and confidence 

At night for 7 days plan your outfit ahead 

At night for 7 days READ pages out a book of your choice. 

In the evening for 7 days take a walk 

Every weekend treat yourself to a self date  


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