Womb Work 101


Hey Soul Family. I received a lot of different questions about womb work today so I decided to drop some information about it and how you can take steps to nurturing your womb

The first thing I want to make clear is that as a woman our wombs are much more than a space to hold babies. It is a portal between the spiritual and physical worlds. women - womb-men

The Womb is a sacred place and a source of intuition, emotional well being and creativity. It is forgotten and overlooked but this is where much of your power lies and connecting to the part of you will help tremendously on your spiritual journey. 

A simple way to connect with your womb is through breathing and meditation. I say this and people turn their head to the idea but trust me. 

for 30 minutes each night and when alone close your eyes and take 20 deep slow breaths. focus on each as you exhale. imagine a bright pure light shining on your womb and filling it. let this light shine inside of you and imagine it healing all that is unpure. this should help you feel grounded and at peace. during this time you may have thoughts related to your womb and you should pay attention to what you are feeling because you will answers to your questions during this womb meditation.

Repeat 3 'I am' statements to yourself 3 times each day you rise and each night before you sleep. I highly encourage you to create your own but you can use the ones below as examples

I am creative and birthing new experiences for myself each day

I am whole and worthy of a love that sees my wholeness

I am deserving of all things I put my mind too

I am sacred and only divine forces can have access to me

Womb Health

Herbal Teas are known for their ancient healing abilities. I recommend adding tea to your daily life. Choose one day out of the week and dedicate that day to your womb. 

Raspberry Leaf Tea will help regulate menstrual cycles. This tea is also know to strengthen and restore the uterus so woman drink it during their last weeks of pregnancy and weeks after delivery. There are scientific studies that prove women who drank the tea had a shorter labor and decreased chance for C-section 

Eat Fresh Cranberries daily, they do not cost much and can be used as a great snack alternative to processed foods. Cranberries change the way bacteria sits in the body. in a sense cranberries flush bacteria of all types out. not cranberry cocktail juice -I'm talking fresh cranberries from your local farmer market or grocery store - mix them in a smoothie or eat them raw but cranberries are very good for the womb and overall health 

Yoni Steams carry the healing benefits of the herbs up to your uterus and helps loosen old matter left behind and deep cleansing the entire yoni. Regular yoni steams have help thousands of women conceive when they thought they couldn't so imagine what this could do in your life. I recommend steaming before and after your menstrual cycle and changing sex partners. 

make your own yoni at home with yarrow, mugwort, lavender, oregano and calendula - boil all these herbs together in filtered water for 5-10 minutes - pour in the designated bowl or bucket and steam for 25 minutes or more - you can buy a seat from esty to place inside your toilet or get a medium metal pan and place it inside your toilet. 

I hope I was able to open you to a new healthy habit that you will receive amazing benefits from. When your womb is healthy you are healthy and everything connected to you is healthy. Take care of yourself in all ways because you are the divine feminine. 

Sending Love and Peace - Jass the Tarot Girl


  1. Thank you so Much��Iamin need of this so Bad!!! My ANXIETY Sometimes take over.... But reading this is a better understanding as well as healing my womb ... I some how Found I had a STD IDK how when I been sleeping with 1 person... I'm lost & Idk how 2 bring it up cuz maybe he had it b4 me .. But I know b4 him I didn't have it & months after we started dating so I need 2 See this whole checking out ur Page Thank again��


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