Connecting with The Ancestors

THE Ancestors ..

    A popular question I've noticed souls ask is "how do I connect with my loved ones who have passed on?" The answer to this question is quite simple once you understand how the spiritual realm communicates. I will help you get your feet wet and then you're off to experience this life changing ritual for yourself

    First thing first, who are the ancestors? The ancestors can be anyone that you feel connected to that has moved to other realm. This means your ancestors are not just limited to your blood line, but anyone you feel drawn too. For example I feel really connected to Harriet Tubman. I consider her one of my ancestors who guide and protect me. Another important key to know is your ancestors can be 'deceased' and living. How? This is because time is simultaneous. Past, present and future are all running at the same time. For some of you that statement may not make any sense but I will explain that in a later topic. Back to the ancestors, so your grandmother can still be living but you are able to connect with her higher self for protection that is beyond the physical world. To sum this up, you can connect with anyone before you, known and unknown. Ancestors are not limited to blood lines because we are all connected in some way.

    Now lets begin with the connection. You want to show your ancestors the upmost respect because they are guiding and protecting you. Many people don't know the benefits of showing your ancestors love and honor so they go through life barely making it and just getting by. Your ancestors are able to see clear now. They know the future basically so they can prevent a lot of obstacles from even getting close to you. The ancestors are very special and I believe they should be treated kindly but be your true self with them. There is never a reason to feel like you have to be ashamed or hide something when it comes to anything Spirit related. Spirit already knows exactly who you are, better than you may know yourself. Okay so, lets get into the steps. There is no right or wrong I am simply providing you with steps I took.

    Altar/special area:   you want to pick a nice area out to connect with your ancestors, as you build a relationship with the ancestors the energy around the area will increase. This is what you want to happen. This can be any area you feel is fine and clean enough for them. It can be anything from a corner on your dresser to a complete room. Nothing is too small or too big. You can physically visit the graves of the ancestors if you know the burial information. Connecting at home works the same as connecting at the grave site

Do something special: welcome your ancestors in a warm home-like way, cook them a meal or cut up fresh fruit for them, you can get their pictures and place them at the altar as well

  Invitation - light some candles, make sure you won't be disrupted, pour a cups of herbal tea for you and the ancestors and invite them to join you and to receive their offerings

This is an example of an ancestor invitation: Ancestors within me know and unknown guide and protect me for eternity.

This is only an example you can say whatever feels comfortable to you. Once it is establish that you want to make a connection, thats it. The next steps would be keeping that relationship up, just like any relationship. It was be difficult because when life gets chaotic it can be easy to forget about them. Remember they will never forget about you.

During your first connection, spend time getting to know them and feeling the energy. You can write your ancestors a letter, letting them know anything you need to let off your chest. You can even tell them to give you signs and trust me they will
Your first connection with ancestors may feel strange but that is only because it is new and unfamiliar, as time progresses you will truly feel and see the change it will make.

Stay open and don't expect anything. Make this into a sacred thing for you and don't let opinions of others stir you away. Experience it for yourself. I would love to hear your experience or any comments you may have regarding this topic.

Stay Dope Butter-flies


  1. I want to connect with my grandmother. While she was here on this earth she was my go to. But i feel like she will be disappointed in me. Should i fear this ?

    1. No you shouldn’t feel fear. That is your grandma and she is happy that you are reaching out to her. Stay open and share memories.

    2. There is no need to fear at all.. i remember my first time reaching out to my grandmother. Beautiful

    3. Thank you for letting me know that. i am trying to get mentally ready to see her again , Although i am going to be very happy to see her. If you can drop a few things i need for my alter that would be great ! I am ready to see things from a beautiful & blessed perspective.

    4. hey hun its SunFlower again. Make your alter however is most comfortable to you. Maybe plants, water, candles, pictures, and also whatever you think your grandma likes would be a wonderful start.


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