Words Cast Spells

 Rise and Shine Soul Family, How are you feeling today? I hope are all embracing this NU beginning and NU energy we have been blessed with today. I hope you tap into your higher self from this day forward. I want to introduce a topic this week that advises us to give thought into what we say.

Words are powerful, one of the most powerful tools we have while on the physical Earth. If you pay attention to how words alone can make you feel emotions, for example you can feel the love and warmth that a text message from your partner can bring. You can feel your heart drop when you read news that disrupts your peace. words are powerful and they are not something we should take lightly. Over the weekend something changed my perception of my name. My whole life I felt like my name was so common, and didnt have unique meaning but I now know my name is Jasmine, God's gift and I am committed to living up to that name because I am truly a gift of God and God instilled me with a divine purpose just like you. We have to start to live up to our uniqueness because we are all divine and a reminder to others that they are divine as well. Embrace your name no matter how common, different, hard to pronounce, what ever your case is know that your name holds weight and whether you live up to it or not is up to you.

Spirit lead me to learn something else this weekend and that was "speak what we require and desire". Family too many of us have gotten accustom to speaking ourselves in poverty and hardship. That is not energy that is of God. God provided a place for us, a place where we are free to create anything we want, there are some souls in this world who want to out God our God. We have to be careful at the amount of feed we allow these souls to give us. From my own research and experience changing the way we speak over ourselves and our lives as a whole will greatly improve how we experience life. How many times have you said you hate your life or situation, how many times have you said verbally that you are struggling or stuck, You have to stop cursing your own life. Become aware of what you are saying and thinking, they both correlate to each other. When you gain control of your thoughts and fill yourself with positive reassuring thought you are empowering yourself and you are aligned. Speak what you REQUIRE - this is what you are needing, tell God the Universe what you call your higher source, tell that source what you are needing and do not show signs of 'begging' there is no need to beg when all you have to do is ask and know you will receive. 

Speak happiness over your future as well. Even though you may feel unsure or feel like you can't see the course clear enough. That does not matter, God will guide you to whatever it is you need.


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